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The Upper Ohio Valley Baptist Association exist's to 

Serve, Supply, & Strengthen

local churches in cooperative fulfillment of the Great Commission.

Register Today


Why partner with the UOVBA?

We are a connected network of pastors and churches across West Virginia, Ohio, &  Pennsylvania seeking to accomplish Great Commission work.

Ministry opportunities for both  pastors and church members that open the door to community engagement with the Gospel.

A cooperative relationship and understanding that you are not alone in ministry. We strongly believe that we are truly better together.

Core Opportunities

Prayer support participating with our LIFT Prayer Team. A dedicated ministry that travels each week across the association praying for churches and their needs.

Discipleship Ministry Opportunities that take your church deeper in a solid discipleship process. In-depth trainings and workshops that can help launch discipleship for your church.

Our Missions and Evangelism team is willing to partner with your church to help canvas your neighborhood to help strengthen the church.. Also we provide opportunities for mission work and evangelism.

Involvement in Disaster Relief, Youth Ministry Opportunities and WMU Women's Ministries.

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events
2024 Calendar Final Update.png

Association Calendar

Keep up to date with events through out this year. 

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